Cyber Security Testing: The Discussion Gains Traction And YOU are Missing out!

Data breaches have become one of the most common concerns in today’s business environments. The Cybercriminals are waiting for just one opportunity to pounce on the application and software and wreak havoc.
Consequently, it costs millions and billions of dollars in business.
The last pin on the coffin would be the loss of reputation. Businesses have no way but to safeguard the two R’s
Under the circumstances, cyber security testing and other safety measures have become common and inalienable to a business circle.
There are dedicated professionals with devout knowledge of security testing. But the happiest news is that cybersecurity professionals have numerous opportunities in the job market.
Are you an entrepreneur, a seasoned businessperson, or a job aspirant? This article of ours serves all the requirements. We will discuss comprehensively cyber security testing.
What is Cyber Security Testing?
What is cyber security testing? This is a basic question for everyone who has just started to feed their inquisitive mind. Security testing or cybersecurity testing involves a complete evaluation of the features of a computing system. It ensures that they function properly and safeguard the data user.
Also, it typically involves assessing and identifying vulnerabilities. It also involves determining the risk and assessing all other areas of security.
The ultimate goal and objective of the process is to discover potential security breaches, malicious codes, and, most importantly, misconfigurations that negatively impact security.
Cyber security methods include vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and code reviews.
Importance of Cyber Security Testing
Comprehensive cybersecurity testing plans look at the vulnerabilities at different application levels.
It initiates the assessment of the application’s security infrastructure and moves further towards the network, database, and even the application lawyers. The broader aspect of it is cyber security audits. However, let’s understand why cybersecurity testing is important.
1. Hackers are Getting Smarter with Time
In the realm of technological advancement, hackers are becoming more innovative and more sophisticated. Consequently, it poses a threat to network security. This situation pushes the business to strengthen the security of the applications. This is the area where there is the most vulnerability.
2. Building Trust With Customers
We mentioned that security threats and vulnerabilities erode the company’s and its customers’ bonding.
In fact, a prediction says that by 2025, cybercrimes may cost the business world a massive $10.5 Trillion. It reflects a 15% yearly increase. Hence, having a good protection shield reassures the trust of the consumers, thereby protecting businesses.
3. Protection of Business From Cyber Threats
As technology advances, markets and industries evolve continually. Today, the business environment is governed by online transactions.
But at the same time, this area is susceptible to threats from malicious operators who are looking continuously at new ways to cause you harm.
This is where the role of activities like audits, cyber security monitoring, and testing becomes very relevant.
What are the Different Types of Cybersecurity Testing
Different types of cybersecurity testing exist, which helps highlight the potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities in the environment.
We are going to understand it here so that it can help the organization. This section discusses some of them.
Penetration Tests
What is penetration testing in cyber security? Penetration testing in cyber security is a security-based exercise where the expert intends to find and exploit the vulnerabilities in the computer systems.
The be-all and end-all of this simulated attack is pinpointing the weak spots in the defense that malicious attackers could exploit. Cybersecurity penetration tests act as a shield against such potential threats.
Vulnerability Scans
A vulnerability scan is an automated assessment that looks for applications’ most common threat areas.
Moreover, it involves scanning and procuring information about ruining the applications and comparing them to the list of known vulnerable programs. The scanning activities see if there is any potential vulnerability.
Web Application testing
The web application security tests the website application’s font and the backend to find potential vulnerabilities.
Examples of common web app vulnerabilities include cross-site scripting ete or XSS and SQL injection.
Mobile Application Tests (Android/iOS)
Mobile Application tests are performed to scan the potential threats and vulnerabilities in the Android or iOS apps.
This takes into account both risk, particularly, and the general security of mobile devices, such as the encryption of sensitive data, before transmitting it over the network.
API Security Testing
API security testing asks for assessing the application security interface for potential vulnerabilities.
Take, for example, an API that may accidentally expose sensitive data to authenticate the users making a request.
Social Engineering
Social engineering attacks such as phishing, smishing, or vishing trick the victims. The medium may differ, but its objective is to extract vital information.
Phishing is common, but what is smishing in cyber security? It is phishing via text or SMS. Vishing also had malicious intent to fool victims with voice calls. Social engineering tests may evaluate an organization’s vulnerability to phishing.
Apart from this, there are some other types of testing that organizations can conduct to assess the health of the network, hardware, and even applications.
They include Environment penetration testing, secure code reviews, adversarial simulation, and docker penetration testing.
Businesses can do it by hiring an in-house testing team. They can even hire a cyber security business that offers these services.
Common Types of Cybersecurity Testing Tools
This section will discuss some of the most effective cyber security testing tools. This testing tool tests the common threats but also new ones like vishing.
So what is vishing in cyber security? It is a phishing activity carried over voice calls. There, the malicious elements may frighten a bot and take away useful information from an individual. However, let’s discuss the different types of cybersecurity testing tools.
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
The testing tool makes an analysis of the source code to sense vulnerabilities without executing the application.
This very method enables developers to detect and fix the issues early in the development lifecycle. It brings down the cost and, at the same time, complexity.
DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing)
Dynamic application security testing makes an evaluation of the applications in a running state. Unlike SAST, the DAST tests for security flaws while the application is in operation.
The method uses the attack to uncover vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting and SQL injection.
The best thing is that the tools do not require access to the source code. Ultimately, it makes them suitable for testing web services and APIs.
Also, continuous DAST tests help to identify and mitigate security flaws in real time, ultimately reducing the risks of exploitation in live environments.
SCA (Software Composition Analysis)
This software composition analysis (SCA) identifies the vulnerabilities in the third-party components and open-source liberties already integrated into the applications.
These SCA tools scan the application’s dependencies and notify the developers regarding the vulnerability of outdated components and other issues related to license compliance.
Using this SCA tool, organizations can proactively manage the security and legal risks associated with using third-party software. Moreover, these regular scans ensure all the components are up-to-date and compliant.
RASP (Runtime Application Self-protection)
The final tool that finds space in our list of cyber security testing tools is RASP or Runtime Application Self-protection.
The tool monitors and protects the applications in real-time by embedding security controls within the application when they are running. It can see and mitigate the attacks instantly. Moreover, it provides continuous protection without the need for external intervention.
Methos of Testing Application Security
Cyber security testing includes diverse approaches. In fact, the cybersecurity provider service uses different techniques to attain its very aim. We will discuss some of the cyber security testing methods here in this section.
Black Box
The Black Box test digs into the outward features and demeanor of the software. Furthermore, it checks how an application is supposed to work from the user’s point of view.
White Box
This type of testing is carried out from the developer’s point of view. It is also known as glass box testing, transparent box testing, or even structural testing.
Gray Box
The gray box is the last in-out list of cyber security testing approaches. The gray box testing combines the elements of both the black box and the white box testing. Furthermore, it uses the program inputs and outputs and, at the same time, considers code information.
Cyber Security Testing Professional’s Salary
You have come to the far end of our discussion, we do not doubt that you are looking to make a career as a cybersecurity test
ting professional.
However, if you really are, we congratulate you on your smart decision. There are high-earning opportunities for such professionals in the USA. Let us give you the figures.
In the United States, the average salary for a cyber security testing professional is between $122980 to $141,499 annually.
The entry-level jobs may begin with a slightly lower salary, but as you progress and gain good experience with time, you will get high perks that will earn you a high standard of living.
Hence, earn the skills and knowledge in the realm and most importantly, earn a good salary. The entire Industry will embrace you with arms open.
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