How To Find A Wholesaler For Your Online Store

Online Store

Starting an online store is an exciting venture, but it necessitates a consistent supply of products to sell. Working with a wholesaler is one of the most common and effective ways to stock your virtual shelves. 

Wholesalers provide a diverse range of products at lower prices, allowing you to compete in the cutthroat world of e-commerce. This blog will walk you through the process of finding a wholesaler for your online store.

Who Do We Call A Wholesaler? 

A middlemen distributor dealing with the distribution of products from the manufacturer to the retailer is called a wholesaler. It is his job to buy goods in bulk quantities so as to attract reduced prices and discounts. Although he is a part of the entire supply chain, sometimes they are also omitted. 

In a particular product niche, wholesalers are themselves dealers. This indicates that they do not engage in the sales of a lot of goods. However, this does not imply that they have no affiliation with specific manufacturers. Wholesales are present in both eCommerce and traditional forms of businesses. 

Two Primary Types Of Wholesalers

Based on the line of functions and business, wholesalers can be of two types: Merchant and Brokers. Understand which one of them suits your ecommerce brand better-

A. Merchant Wholesaler

The merchant wholesalers usually purchase products in bulk from manufacturers. Additionally, they have a warehouse where they store their products and sell out to their retailers. They can either have an online store or brick-and-mortar shops where they might perform different operations. Sometimes, the merchant wholesaler assists the managers in generating complete consumer support. 

B. Brokers/Agents Wholesaler

Agents wholesalers are the ones that do not own products. They are the exact opposite of merchant eCommerce because they take orders directly from buyers. The next step is communicating these orders to manufacturers and making strategies for its delivery. It is their job to transport the goods safely from the manufacturer’s warehouse to the doorstep of the consumer.

Steps To Look For An Online Store Wholesaler 

Online Store Wholesaler 

Looking for the right wholesaler that boosts the value of your digital store is a tough endeavor, but not impossible. All you ever need is the right set of steps and their implementation.

Check out which of the following ones you are already leveraging and which are still undone:

1. Determine Your Niche and Audience

Before you start looking for a wholesaler, you must first understand your niche and target audience. What products do you intend to sell in your online store? Who is your ideal client? Having a specific niche and target audience in mind will help you narrow down your search for the right wholesaler.

Conduct research and compile a list

Start researching potential wholesalers once you’ve defined your niche.

Here are some places to look:

A. Trade Shows And Exhibitions: 

Attending industry-specific trade shows and exhibitions can provide you with valuable contacts in your niche. Look for local and national trade shows, and be prepared to network with potential suppliers.

B. Online directories and platforms: 

There are several online directories and platforms that connect retailers with wholesalers. SaleHoo, Worldwide Brands, and Thomasnet are a few examples. These platforms frequently offer information on supplier reviews, product offerings, and contact information.

C. Google Search: 

In the good old days, Google could be a valuable resource for locating wholesalers. Use niche-specific keywords and add terms like “wholesaler” or “supplier” to your search query. For example, if you sell electronics, you could look up “electronics wholesaler.”

Social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter can help you find wholesalers and connect with potential suppliers in your industry. Join industry-related organizations and network with professionals in your field.

3. Assess Potential Wholesalers

Once you’ve compiled a list of potential wholesalers, it’s time to assess whether they’re a good fit for your online store. Here are some criteria to think about:

A. Product Quality: 

Examine the quality of the wholesaler’s products. If possible, request samples to evaluate their quality firsthand.

B. Pricing: 

Compare the prices provided by various wholesalers. Always remember that the cheapest option isn’t always the best option, as quality and dependability are also important considerations.

C. Least Order Requirements: 

Find out if the wholesaler provided any requirements for minimum orders. Check that these requirements are in line with your company’s budget and needs. 

Consider where the wholesaler is located. Local wholesalers may provide cost savings on shipping and communication.

Look for testimonials and reviews from other retailers who have worked with the wholesaler. A good reputation is a good predictor of dependability.

Paris Fashion Shops is a wholesale clothing website dedicated to small and medium ready to wear businesses where a person can get anything at great prices, especially catering to the UK market

4. Make Contact And Make A Connection

Reach out to a few promising wholesalers once you’ve identified them. This is your opportunity to ask questions, clarify any doubts, and build a rapport. This is how you should approach this step:

Send an Inquiry: Send a professional inquiry email or fill out the wholesaler’s website contact form. Introduce your online store, discuss your niche, and express your desire to collaborate with them.

promising wholesalers

It is critical to address legal and financial issues before finalizing any agreements. Take a look at the following:

6. Begin With A Trial Order.

It’s a good idea to start with a trial order before committing to a long-term partnership. This allows you to test the waters and assess the performance of the wholesaler. Pay close attention to the entire process, beginning with order placement and ending with product quality and delivery times.


Finding a wholesaler for your online store is a critical step in establishing a reliable source of products. By conducting thorough research, evaluating potential wholesalers, and building strong partnerships, you can ensure a steady supply of quality products that meet your customers’ needs. Remember that patience and diligence in the search for the right wholesaler will pay off in the long run, setting your online store on the path to success.

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Shahnawaz Alam

Shahnawaz is a passionate and professional Content writer. He loves to read, write, draw and share his knowledge in different niches like Technology, Cryptocurrency, Travel,Social Media, Social Media Marketing, and Healthcare.