Sanitizing Kitchen Surfaces Using Hydrogen Peroxide: What You Should Know

hydrogen peroxide

Keeping kitchen surfaces clean and sanitized is crucial for a healthy home. One effective and safe method for sanitizing countertops is using hydrogen peroxide. This substance is known for its disinfecting properties and is gentle on most surfaces, making it an ideal choice for kitchen cleaning.

Professionals at “Live Clean Today” in Spokane recommend hydrogen peroxide as a go-to solution for those seeking a non-toxic yet effective way to clean their kitchen surfaces. Let’s delve into how you can use hydrogen peroxide effectively and other tips for maintaining sanitized kitchen surfaces.

The Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizer, making it effective against bacteria, viruses, and other germs. It’s a preferable alternative to bleach as it’s non-toxic and breaks down into water and oxygen, leaving no harmful residues.

Some of the benefits of using hydrogen peroxide to clean your kitchen are as follows:

  • It helps remove grease, stains, and various other types of dirt from kitchen counters, pots, and pans in an effective manner.
  • It kills harmful bacteria, viruses, and mold spores that may contaminate your food or cause illnesses.
  • This also helps remove odors from your kitchen garbage bin.
  • The shelf life of vegetables can be extended by soaking and washing them in hydrogen peroxide solution.

Preparing the Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

For general kitchen cleaning, a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, which is commonly available at drugstores, is sufficient. You can use it directly from the bottle or dilute it with water for a less concentrated solution.  

You can also check out the following DIY kitchen cleaning solution using Hydrogen Peroxide: 

All-purpose Cleaner

You can make an all-purpose cleaner for your kitchen using hydrogen peroxide. To do so, take a spray bottle and mix one cup of it with two cups of distilled water. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice in this mixture and shake well. You can immediately start cleaning your kitchen with this mixture. 

If you want a fresh smell and extra antibacterial power, you can add 6-10 drops(depending on how strong you want the smell to be) of essential oil such as peppermint oil, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, etc.

Disinfectant Wipes

You can also make disinfectant wipes using Hydrogen Peroxide. To make this, take a roll of paper towel and cut it in half. Then, put it in a large container and cover it with a lid.

Take another bowl and add one-fourth cup of hydrogen peroxide, one and half cups of water, one-fourth cup of rubbing alcohol, and 10-12 drops of essential oil of your choice. 

Mix all of them together in the bowl and then pour it into the container with the paper towel. Put the container in a dark and cool place and use the wipes as and when required.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide While Doing Laundry

Apart from cleaning the kitchen, it can also be used to brighten up your laundry. To do so, you can just add a cup of hydrogen peroxide to your washer before dumping your clothes and water inside the machine.

In case you don’t have a washing machine or are not using one at the time, then you can also keep the clothes soaked in a solution consisting of one part hydrogen peroxide and 8 parts water in a bucket.

Keep your clothes soaked in this solution for 15-30 minutes, and then wash them off as usual. This solution helps whiten white-colored clothing and brighten colored clothing. In case of stains, you can also pour hydrogen peroxide solution directly on the spot and then wash it normally.

Tips to Remember While Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Some tips to remember while using this on a regular basis:

  • Never use or mix vinegar and hydrogen peroxide with each other as together they create a toxic substance called peracetic acid.
  • Always use distilled water when preparing any DIY solution with it. This will help in avoiding spotting and other marks caused due to minerals present in the tap water. 

Read on to learn about other aspects of Hydrogen Peroxide:

How to Apply?

To sanitize your countertops, simply pour or spray hydrogen peroxide onto the surface. Let it sit for a few minutes to kill germs and bacteria effectively. This dwell time is crucial for the disinfecting process.

Wiping the Surface

After letting the hydrogen peroxide sit, wipe the surface with a clean, damp cloth. This will remove any remaining germs and excess liquid, leaving your countertops clean and sanitized.

Safe for Various Countertop Materials

Hydrogen peroxide is generally safe for most countertop materials, including granite, marble, and laminate. However, it’s always a good practice to test it on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t damage the surface.

Regular Cleaning Routine

Incorporate hydrogen peroxide into your regular cleaning routine. Regular disinfection of kitchen surfaces is essential, especially areas frequently touched or used for food preparation.

Combining with Baking Soda for Tough Stains

For tougher stains, you can make a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Apply this paste to the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub gently with a non-abrasive sponge and rinse.

Cleaning Cutting Boards and Utensils

It can also be used to clean cutting boards and utensils. Soak them in a hydrogen peroxide solution or spray directly, then rinse with water.

Storing Hydrogen Peroxide Properly

Store this in its original dark container, as exposure to light can break it down. You should keep the container in a cool, dry place, away from children and pets. Note that hydrogen peroxide tends to lose its effectiveness over time. So make sure to use it within two months.

Why Avail Professional Cleaning Services?

For those who prefer professional assistance, “Live Clean Today” in Spokane offers comprehensive kitchen cleaning services, including the use of safe and effective sanitizing agents like hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent choice for sanitizing kitchen surfaces. It’s effective, safe, and eco-friendly, making it suitable for regular use in your kitchen cleaning routine. 

By following these tips and incorporating it into your cleaning practices, you can ensure that your kitchen remains a clean and hygienic space for cooking and family gatherings. For those seeking professional cleaning services, provide expert solutions tailored to your specific kitchen cleaning needs.

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Ankita Tripathy

Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.