Zendesk 101: Everything You Need To Know In 2024

what is Zendesk

If you are looking for a way to improve your customer service, sales, and support, you might have heard of Zendesk. But what is Zendesk, and what does it do? How can it help you grow your business and delight your customers?

In this article, I will answer these questions and more. I will explain what Zendesk is, how it works, what features it offers, how much it costs, and what benefits it brings.

By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of Zendesk and why you should consider using it for your business. Let’s dive in!

What is Zendesk?

Zendesk is a cloud-based software company that provides solutions for customer service, sales, and other customer communications. Zendesk was founded in 2007 in Denmark, and now has over 5,000 employees and 100,000 customers worldwide.

Zendesk’s mission is to simplify the complexity of business and make it easy for companies and customers to create connections. Zendesk believes that every great customer relationship stems from a seamless customer experience.

That’s why it designs solutions to foster better customer relationships, such as:

  • Support: A ticketing system that helps you manage and resolve customer inquiries across multiple channels, such as email, chat, phone, and social media.
  • Guide: A knowledge base that helps you create and share helpful content with your customers and agents, such as FAQs, articles, and videos.
  • Chat: A live chat software that helps you engage with your website visitors in real-time, and provide proactive and personalized support.
  • Talk: A call center software that helps you offer phone support to your customers, and integrate it with your ticketing system and CRM.
  • Sell: A sales CRM that helps you manage your leads, contacts, deals, and pipeline, and increase your sales productivity and performance.
  • Sunshine: A platform that helps you connect and customize your Zendesk products, and integrate them with other systems and data sources.

How does Zendesk work?

Zendesk works by providing you with a unified agent workspace. Here you can access and manage all your customer interactions from one place. You can also use Zendesk’s APIs and integrations to connect Zendesk with your existing tools and systems. This consists of your website, email, CRM, or ERP.

Zendesk also provides you with analytics and reporting tools. Here you can track and measure your customer service and sales metrics, such as customer satisfaction, response time, conversion rate, and revenue.

Furthermore, Zendesk also uses artificial intelligence and automation to enhance your customer experience, such as:

  • Answer Bot: A chatbot that helps you provide instant and accurate answers to your customers’ questions. It also reduces your ticket volume and workload.
  • Flow Builder: A tool that helps you create and automate workflows for your customer service and sales processes. For example, sending notifications, updating tickets, or assigning tasks.
  • Content Cues: A feature that helps you identify and fill the gaps in your knowledge base. It also optimizes your self-service content for your customers.

What are the features of Zendesk?  

Zendesk offers a wide range of features for different use cases and needs. Some of the main features of Zendesk are:

  • Ticketing system: It helps you create, assign, prioritize, and resolve tickets for your customer inquiries. It also helps to keep track of their status and history.
  • Omnichannel support: It helps you provide consistent and seamless support across multiple channels, such as email, chat, phone, social media, and messaging apps.
  • Help center: Zendesk helps you create and manage a self-service portal. Here your customers can find answers to their questions, and your agents can access knowledge articles and resources.
  • Live chat: Zendesk helps you offer real-time and personalized support to your website visitors, and increase your engagement and conversion rates.
  • Voice software: It helps you provide phone support to your customers, and integrate it with your ticketing system and CRM.
  • Analytics and reporting: Zendesk helps you monitor and measure your customer service and sales performance, and gain insights and recommendations to improve your customer experience.
  • Apps and integrations: It helps you connect and customize your Zendesk products, and integrate them with other systems and data sources, such as your website, email, CRM, or ERP.
  • Automation and intelligence: It helps you use artificial intelligence and automation to enhance your customer experience, such as providing instant and accurate answers, creating and automating workflows, and identifying and filling the gaps in your knowledge base.

How much does Zendesk cost?

Zendesk offers different pricing plans for different products and needs. You can choose from three Zendesk Support plans, three Zendesk Sell plans, and five Zendesk Suite plans.

The Zendesk Suite plans bundle various Zendesk products together, such as Support, Guide, Chat, and Talk.

This pricing plans start from $19 per agent per month for the Support and Sell platforms and $55 per agent per month for the Suite platform.

You can also try Zendesk for free for 14 days, and see if it suits your business needs.

What are the benefits of using Zendesk?

Zendesk can help you improve your customer service, sales, and support, and bring many benefits to your business, such as:

  • Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty: Zendesk helps you provide fast, reliable, and personalized support to your customers, and make them happy and loyal to your brand.
  • Boost sales and revenue: Zendesk helps you manage your leads, contacts, deals, and pipeline, and increase your sales productivity and performance.
  • Save time and money: Zendesk helps you reduce your ticket volume and workload, and automate your customer service and sales processes, and save time and money.
  • Grow your business: Zendesk helps you scale your customer service and sales operations, and adapt to your changing business needs and goals.


Zendesk is a powerful customer experience software that helps businesses of all sizes and industries provide better customer service, sales, and support.

It offers a complete customer service solution that is easy to use and scales with your business. Zendesk also offers a sales CRM that enhances productivity, processes, and pipeline visibility for sales teams.

The platform also uses artificial intelligence and automation to improve your customer experience, and provides analytics and reporting tools to measure your performance.

Zendesk also offers apps and integrations to connect and customize your Zendesk products, and integrate them with other systems and data sources. It can help you increase your customer satisfaction and loyalty, boost your sales and revenue, save time and money, and grow your business.

Additional Reading:

Ankita Tripathy

Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.