Top 5 Film Recommendations To Binge Watch This Christmas
“Winter is coming,” said Ned Stark, and it’s time for celebrations to begin because it’s Christmas, Mate! Cheer up! It is the time to get excited and store up some good coffee and wine to celebrate the time. Consequently, you might also need some film recommendations to help you create the best times for kids and families. Here, we discuss 5 film to binge watch.
Therefore, in the next section, we will give some movie reviews, which ensure that you can get cuddled up in bed with food and wine. This will surely warm your winters and keep your family members cozy amidst the snowfall outside.
For this, we have done a movie discovery to give you some of the films to watch. Just make sure that you keep some wipes and tissues with you. You will need it. So, without further ado, let’s begin the discussion –
Best Fil
m Recommendations For Christmas
Christmas is a special time when you and your partner come together amidst the adversities of daily life. That is why we will do some hearty movie reviews from the movie Discovery. This is because we want to give you that wholesome feeling that you fail to come to terms with in your bright, neon life.
Here are some of the Film recommendations from our movie Discovery of Good.Film –
Home Alone
The first among the 5 film to binge watch is Home Alone, an absolute classic film, which you can enjoy every time you play it in your free time. The movie revolves around an eight-year-old, played by Macaulay Culkin, who gets left behind during his family’s plans to visit the USA.
The film shows how a small kid can use his wit and courage to survive the home-alone scenario. He even keeps out the thieves from entering the house. Furthermore, there is evergreen Joe Presci, who creates great comedy scenes that will make even your kids fall out of bed.
So, if you are looking for film recommendations for your kids, then this film should top the list. Also, Rotten Tomatoes put out good movie reviews against the film. Add it to your movie discovery.
Bridget Jones’s Diary
Well, British films always deliver the best rom-com films for Christmas. Even before Korean cinema took over the world, we had the best of the UK films. Among them comes Bridget Jones’s Diary, featuring the beautiful Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, and Hugh Grant.
The film revolves around a love triangle, where our King’s Speech man beats up Hugh to win over the love of his life – thus summing up the song “Last Christmas.” Don’t worry; the film has a great Monologue. It will surely make you go “aww” and feel a rush of love in your heart.
Therefore, if you are lonely and desperate for love, then the film recommendations ring out to you. Add it to your list of 5 film to binge watch so that you can write movie reviews on Google.
Love Actually
This is one of my favorites. Love is an absolute rom-com classic. The film has a plethora of great British actors who just take the time to ride along with the scene. The film has got everything, from the Prime Minister kissing his maid to airport scenes, and yes! Colin proposes to his maid in Portuguese.
Therefore, if you want to know what love is this Christmas, then add it to your movie discovery list. The film recommendation will surely make you pen down movie reviews of your own. Moreover, you should watch out for Andrew Lincoln’s proposal to Keira Knightly, which will surely get you out of bed and look for love.
So, keep a tissue. You might need it when scenes come on the stage. You will have a great time watching the film.
Die Hard
Once famous, Al Pacino said Bruce Wilis got a career for him, as the film Die Hard was offered to him. Later, it went to Bruce, who became an absolute legend in the action genre. Also, the film became an evergreen action film of all time. The movie is an absolute masterpiece, which shows how a policeman saves his wife and other hostages from killers.
The film changed the action genre, with the hero being vulnerable and empathetic at the same time. Moreover, you will see some great action scenes, especially near the airplane area at the end. And that changed the viewpoint of movie critics who later put out a good movie review against it.
Therefore, like the great sage from my movie discovery, I give you Die Hard as a film recommendation. Get ready for an action-packed thriller, Christmas Night.
Dead Poets Society
One of the 5 film to binge watch recommendations that calls out the poet and novelist in you is Dead Poets Society. The film teaches us how to see the world in a new way and look for our authentic selves. This way, we won’t be the crowd but different from it. That’s why Robin Williams quotes Robert Frost:
“ I took the road less traveled by
And that made all the difference.”
The film revolves around an English teacher and his group of students who are looking to break the norms. But eventually, it sends a wrong call to parents when Mr Perry commits suicide. Furthermore, you will also see how Ethan Hawke comes out of his shell to support his English teacher with a loud cry, “O Captain! My Captain”, and soon the whole class follows.
You can read the movie reviews, where you won’t see any negative comments from critics and movie lovers. Therefore, if you are looking for some inspiration for the New Year, then you can add the movie to your movie discovery list,
The Bottom Line
In the end, we can say these film recommendations will surely make your holiday season special. You can bring over your family and friends so that you all enjoy your movie discovery list. Moreover, it’ll allow everyone to give their movie review. Hence, it will surely provide topics for great debates and discussions.
So, keep your drinks and food close to enjoy the winter and watch some great movies. Keep note of the 5 film to binge watch.
Merry Christmas folks!
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