How to Draw Anime Boy: 10 Steps with Perfect Proportions

How to draw anime boys?
You can just follow a reference and try to draw the picture on paper or your digital device. But if you follow a reference without knowing the techniques of drawing an anime character, your drawing might look out of proportion. That’s what this anime boy drawing tutorial is for.
There are simple steps to help you draw the best anime boys from any of your favorite anime.
It starts with creating basic shapes, leading to a nice drawing.
Keep reading this article to find easy steps to draw an anime boy.
Step 1: Outline the Head, Neck, and Shoulder
The first step for drawing anime boys requires you to draw a circle. Draw a circle in the middle of the page and draw a vertical guiding line in the middle.
The center line is extremely important when you draw an anime character. The more you start to break down the different parts of the drawing, the better the chance you have of mapping out your entire drawing.
With the center line of the face, you will have better control over the placement of the other features of the face, like the nose, eyes, and lips.
When you draw the vertical line, make sure that it is tall enough to contain the length of the head, the neck, and the upper portion of the shoulder, as well as when you leave some room for the hair.
If you are drawing a boy’s character who’s younger, it’s best to keep the face rounder in shape. If you make it look sharper and taller, it’ll make the boy look older. Once you are done, draw a curved line from both sides of the face and draw them till they meet at the chin of the face.
Since you have the center line, you can draw one side of the face at a time. If you are drawing digitally, you can use the mirror tool to draw one side of the face, and the other side will be drawn automatically.
Step 2: Draw the Ears
When you place the ears on the head, ensure that the upper portion of the ear stays below the horizontal halfway point. The lower end of the ears stays between the face’s halfway point and the chin’s lower end.
Remember that the real ears don’t have a similar placement to the anatomy. You’ll find some differences if you are drawing anime characters based on proper human anatomy. It’s mainly because of the stylistic approach of drawing anime.
Step 3: Draw the Eyes
For the eyes, make sure that you are drawing them through the horizontal halfway. This way, you’ll adequately place the eyes. The best way to make the boy’s face appear younger is to make the eyes look bigger in size. Draw the eyes bigger than you would for an older character.
Make sure to draw the eyes bigger in relation to the head. This will help you make the boy look younger. For this stage, as well, draw the outlines of the eyes and the eyelashes.
When placing the eyes on the head, make sure to place and shape them in a way so that you can fit three eyes horizontally. Draw two eyes with the space for another in the middle.
Step 4: Draw the Eyebrows
This portion of the drawing separates a good anime boy drawing from an anime girl. For an anime boy character, you have to draw the eyelashes slightly closer to the eyes. Also, the eyelashes have to look fairly thick. Also, they should be more toward the inner side of the face and be thicker on the inner side.
Step 5: Draw the Boy’s Mouth
Now, for the finishing touch of the facial features, start to draw the mouth of the anime boy. Make sure to draw a slightly curved line for the mouth. Also, leave a little break in the middle of the line to put a smile on that boy’s face. Also, make the line curved downward a little bit to emphasize the smile.
Place the mouth just slightly above the midline of the lower half of the face. It should be placed between the lower line of the ears and the upper portion of the midpoint of the lower half of the face.
Also, there’s no need to draw a lower lip for the anime boy. In 2D anime drawings, the artists tend to leave the lower lips out to make them look cute.
In addition, once you are done drawing the mouth, you are free to erase the horizontal and vertical central lines you created to finish the drawing.
Step 6: Draw the Hairline
Now, you can draw the hairline and play around with the style of the boy’s hair. If you were wondering how to draw anime boys, then this step is crucial to make your drawing look perfect. When drawing anime boys, you have to make the hairstyle look slightly messy.
You can make it look messy by creating the hairstyle in three parts that flow along the forehead of the character. In most manga and anime boy characters, you’ll see the boy having large, lumpy shapes of hair. You can replicate that to make your drawing appear more stylish.
Step 7: Draw Hair on the side.
Draw hair for the side of the face to give your anime boy character a little more style. These sections of the boy’s hair should hug the boy’s face like it’s curving around him. While you draw the side of the hair, it will cover the ear a little bit.
Step 8: Work on the Final Touch of the Hair
For the final part of the hair, make sure to draw different curvy shapes to make the boy’s hair look wavy. You can make some random-sized clumps stick out of the boy’s head. The more you experiment, the more you’ll find better ideas and cooler looks for your drawing.
Step 9: Draw Eye & Ear Details
Now that you are done with the details of the hair, finish up the anime boy drawing by adding details to the eyes, ears, and other parts of the face. Make sure to add the necessary details to the eyes and the eyelashes. Coloring the eyelashes with deep black will make the entire drawing stand out. If you are drawing on paper, you can use a black marker for this.
Step 10: Draw the Clothing
Now that you are done with those details, you can go ahead and draw some clothes for your anime boy character. You can draw a simple T-shirt or shirt to finish up the drawing. However, you must note that this tutorial is for beginners, and you must practice your skills to draw even better anime boy characters. But if you are looking for a place to start, this tutorial should help.
Finishing Touches
However, you must note that this tutorial is for beginners, and you must practice your skills to draw even better anime boy characters. But if you are looking for a place to start, this tutorial should help. If you want to take it to the next level, you can try out different anime drawing tutorials.
If you want to take it to the next level, you can read books like Manga for Dummies or practice all the techniques starting with anatomy. But, for something better, you can follow channels like Mega Mikey on YouTube. There are many free lessons available for drawing the best anime characters.
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