20+ Gst Invoice Format in Excel to Elevate Your Experience!

As a seller or a business person having an invoice is very important. When selling something, sellers have to provide the buyers with a bill containing product information. For instance, price, quantity, rates of the goods, tax percentages, name of the proprietor, business address and amount.
Invoice is an important part of your business. It represents your business name and branding. These invoices bear witness to the purchase and the information about the sellers and the buyers. They come in handy to both buyers and sellers.
But, making the perfect is not easy. You have to choose the best GST invoice format in excel. But which one should you choose? In this article, I have provided some of the best GST invoices. You can check these out if you want to create something similar to these.
What Is a GST Invoice?
A GST invoice is a document businesses issue to buyers detailing the goods or services sold and applicable GST (Goods and Services Tax).
It’s essential for tax compliance, as it allows businesses to claim input tax credits and serves as proof of transaction under GST regulations.
What Should be Included in a GST Invoice Format In Excel?
A GST invoice should include the following:
– Seller and Buyer Details: Names, addresses, and GSTIN numbers.
– Invoice Date and Number: For tracking and record-keeping.
– Product/Service Description: Details of items sold or services provided.
– Quantity and Price: Along with any applicable discounts.
– GST Rates and Amounts: Breakdown of CGST, SGST, and IGST, depending on the nature of the sale.
– Total Invoice Value: Final amount after taxes, in figures and words.
How to Make a GST Invoice Format in Excel
To create a GST invoice template in Excel:
1. Set up Header Information: Include company name, address, GSTIN, and space for buyer details.
2. Add Columns for Items: Set columns for product name, description, quantity, unit price, and total.
3. Calculate GST: Create formulas to automatically calculate CGST, SGST, and IGST based on the applicable rates.
4. Total Calculation: Add a row to display the final invoice value with taxes.
5. Save as Template: Format the document for clarity, then save it as a template to reuse for future invoices.
Best GST Invoice Format In Excel, Word
Before you create your invoice using any application, you may need some formats as references. Here are the best invoice formats in Excel, a Word if you are looking for one. I have listed 20+ options in this article.
1. GST invoice format in Excel
It is a very simple format for GST invoices using excel. The format looks clean and makes the information easily understandable for the buyers. You can add the address and the logo of the business using this invoice format.
2nd Best Gst Format in Excel
The first GST invoice format I have listed has a minimalist design. However, this format helps you list things in different boxes. Sellers can write all the different purchase information in separate boxes. You can use this Excel format for the GST invoice.
3rd GST Invoice in Excel
You can download free formats or choose to create your own formats. I would recommend the latter one since it has a certain kind of personal touch to it. However, if you are looking for a GST invoice format for your retail store, you can choose this option here.
4th GST Invoice In Excel
Not all businesses and sellers want a very decorated style for their invoices. You can also choose a simple and minimalistic format for your pharmacy or online business. Here is a GST tax format that looks something like Amazon or Flipkart Invoice.
5th GST Invoice In Excel
Another simple GST invoice for retail businesses is the one shown here. All the information can be added inside this simple template. You can use it to create the GST format for your business.
6th GST Invoice in Excel
You can create a GST invoice for your hotel. All you have to do is use this GST invoice format. These invoices are not coloured and have a simple and minimalistic design. You can create them in PDF, Doc, or Excel format.
7th GST Invoice Format
If you have a tech business or a retail shop where you sell smartphones and accessories, you can use this format to create your GST format. You can have it saved on your computer and create bills for your customers according to their purchases.
8th GST Invoice Format in Excel
Businesses willing to give their customers a premium and colourful experience through their GST invoices can use this GST invoice format. It is colourful and better used for computer-generated GST invoices.
9th GST Invoice In Excel
You don’t have to go completely colourful or be fully minimalist. This GST invoice format integrates parts from both types. You can use this GST invoice for any retail business or your personal store.
10th GST Invoice Format In Excel
You can use online GST invoice generators to create invoices for your business. Or you can choose to make one and use it. If you want to add some premium designs, you can use this GST invoice template.
11th GST Invoice Format In Excel
Do you own a small bakery store Or a restaurant? You can use the following template in both cases. This format for GST invoices can be made in excel or word. There is a big and wide space for all the information you have to write. You can print them out in bulk and use them as you wish.
12th GST Invoice In Excel
Are you looking for a premium modern GST invoice template? This red and black colored GST template is great if you want to keep a little premium touch to your GST invoice.
13th GST Invoice Format In Excel
Invoice is important for all types of businesses, services, and sellers. Nursing homes and private hospitals also need a GST invoice to provide the patients with proper information and calculations of their medical charges. You can create an invoice similar to this one.
14th GST Invoice In Excel
Medical store owners looking for GST invoice formats can choose this simple yet professional GST invoice format. The design is simple. You can print them out in bulk and use them according to your needs.
15th GST Invoice Format
Do you run a cleaning service in the cities? If you do, it is mandatory to provide your customers with GST invoices. You can choose this template in such a case.
16th GST Invoice In Excel
Indian market is swarming with many tech retail stores and businesses. If you own such a store, you can use the following template to create a GST invoice for your business.
17th GST Invoice Format In Excel
Small businesses like Taxi services need the simplest-looking GST tax and bills. This template here is the right format for such purposes. You can create such a format in word or excel.
18th GST Invoice Format In Excel
Any small business looking for a premium touch to their business invoice should check out this invoice format.
19th-best GST Invoice Format
Not all invoices need to stand out. Many local stores may need a very simple template for their billing and GST tax invoices. This format is a great example of such formats.
20th Best Invoice Format In Excel
I have listed many simple and premium-looking templates or formats for GST invoices. Here is another you can check out for your small business.
Final GST Invoice Format In Excel
Creative persons doing business with their creations can use this simple template to create a GST invoice for their business. This template is creative yet simple.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Here are some popularly asked questions you may look for answers to.
⁍ Here is how to create your invoice in Excel –
(a) Open Microsoft Excel.
(b) Search for any invoice template.
(c) Choose your preferred template.
(d) Open the invoice template.
(e) Customize your invoice.
(f) Save the invoice on your PC.
⁍ GST invoice offers a buyer all the valid and important information related to their purchase. For example, address, the quantity of purchase, address, name of the seller, and the buyer.
⁍ Yes, it is possible to create a GST invoice using Excel. You can use any of the templates given here and create your invoice.
Final Words
Aside from all the legalities of running a business, creating a GST invoice is also important. First, you must figure out the information you need to provide your customers when creating an invoice. Adding additional categories for necessary information in the GST invoices is better. You can use it flexibly according to the customers’ needs.
Let me know if you liked these excel and word formats for GST invoices. You can also comment on your preference in the comment box.
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